Audience Etiquette
Here are some helpful tips and pointers for making your experience at our performances the best it can be! Check out this informative--and quite hilarious--video with some do's and dont's of theatre etiquette!
Please silence or turn off all cellular devices when not in use, as they are not only a distraction to those around you, but also to the performers on stage. Feel free to video and take photos, but please respect those around you by not using flash photography or impairing their view of the stage. Some copyright-restricted performances (such as plays and musicals) do not allow ANY photography or video of any kind.
Please refrain from getting up and walking about the auditorium during a performance. If you must exit, please wait until a number is finished and then proceed to the nearest exit. Also, when coming back into the auditorium, please use the same decorum and wait until a number is finished before finding your seat.
Please keep the aisles clear and open in the auditorium, which means no sitting or standing in the aisles at any time as this creates a fire hazard and could jeopardize the safety of other patrons in an emergency situation.
Please refrain from conversations or comments during the program. Your students and teachers have worked extremely hard to bring their talents to the stage, and talking during their performance is very disrespectful.
Any loud or crying children we ask be brought out to the lobby area immediately as not to disrupt the show or others around you.
Please be aware of all theatre exits in case of an emergency.
Please listen to and comply with any theatre employee as they are here for your safety and comfort. You may be asked to leave the theatre if disruptions continue to occur.