Secondary Arts Programs


Since 1929, Broken Arrow Bands has developed a tradition of musical excellence. The program serves five middle schools, the Freshman Academy and Broken Arrow High School.

Concert Bands

Broken Arrow Public Schools’ concert bands have long been a driving force of the program and have been recognized as some of the top bands in the state, producing several state champion jazz ensembles, winter guards and percussion ensembles.

Marching Band

The Pride of Broken Arrow marching band is an audition-only organization open to students in grades 9-12. The Pride, which includes the Broken Arrow color guard, rehearses after school and performs at football games, both home and away. In addition, this group competes at various state, regional and national marching band contests. Known nationally as the “grandest band in all the land,” the Pride has been named as a finalist at several Bands of America competitions and was named the Bands of America Grand National Champion in 2006, 2011 and 2015.

For more information on the program, please visit You can also text "follow bapride" to 40404 to receive SMS/text updates on your mobile device.


The vocal music program at Broken Arrow Public Schools encourages students to explore their individual musical abilities while also achieving excellence. The program serves five middle schools, the Freshman Academy and Broken Arrow High School.

This program offers several concert and select choirs open to students in grades 6-12, which can be auditioned or non-auditioned, depending on the school site. In addition, many sites hosts show choirs and jazz choirs that are open to auditions each year. 

For more information about this program, please contact your child’s school site or call the fine arts department at 918-259-8553.



Broken Arrow orchestras are a longstanding part of the district’s history, giving students in grades 6-12 the opportunity to learn how to play string instruments, including the violin, viola, cello and bass.

Middle school orchestra students participate in solo and ensemble contests, as well as the district middle school contest that prepares them for high school orchestra. Students who choose to play the viola, cello or bass may rent a district instrument. Violin students are asked to purchase their own.

The Broken Arrow High School orchestra learns and performs advanced pieces that prepare students for a collegiate classroom, while also providing them with the opportunity to excel in techniques through popular and classical musical selections.

Review these Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the orchestra program.


From beginner to advanced, students who are interested in studying and performing theatre can find many drama offerings at each of Broken Arrow’s secondary schools.

Semester classes are offered to seventh and eighth grade students at each of the district’s middle schools. The topics of characterization, stage movement, theatre etiquette and production are introduced in these classes. Students will learn performance techniques through a variety of acting exercises, as well as scene and monologue presentations.

At the high school level, a number of courses are offered to prepare students in grades 9-12 for the collegiate level. These include advanced drama, stage craft and theatre production courses. Students are also able to audition and become active participants in the fall and spring productions, which range from musical theatre to comedy and from classic Broadway shows to family favorites.


Broken Arrow’s visual arts program provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to develop the creativity and determination necessary for success in today’s global information age.

Broken Arrow students are offered a variety of arts choices beginning in elementary school, where each student experiences art class every week. In middle school, art choices expand to include opportunities in sculpture, painting, pottery, ceramics, drawing and stained glass. At the high school level, Pre-AP and AP courses offer a path for students in grades 9-12 to earn college credit in studio and drawing.


Broken Arrow Public Schools' speech and debate program provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in today’s global information age. Speech and debate encompass many disciplines in the academic world, equipping students with the necessary tools to speak and converse with confidence when entering the collegiate world and workforce.

Various debate formats include congressional, public forums, Lincoln-Douglas and more. Debate topics for students range from education and foreign policy to social issues and economic situations. Debate students learn how to make compelling arguments, research, speak in public and refute arguments.

Competitive speech uses various performance styles to enhance one’s diction and poise, including monologues, humorous and dramatic interpretations, poetry, pose and more. A competitive speech and debate team is available for students who are interested in representing their school on state and national levels.

Students in grades 9-12 can compete as part of the debate team or speech team through classes that meet every day at the high school or as a part of the speech and debate club that meet Tuesday and Thursday.

Eighth graders have the opportunity to learn speech and debate and compete through Saturday Speech & Debate Academy.